Spider-Man: Blue
The events of this mini-series have been omitted from the official Marvel indexes. I worked it out ten years ago. It is provided here for those who wish such an index.
p1-5 present time (2002), Spidey puts a rose on the Brooklyn Bridge on Valentine's Day
p6-15 = ASM #40 pages 1-18 (fight vs Goblin)
p16-17 Peter, JJJ, Joe Robertson (before his first appearance in ASM #51)
p18-19 Peter meets Harry and Norman in the hospital (both last in ASM #40), then Flash and Gwen (both last in ASM #39)
p20 Peter Parker, May Parker = ASM #41 page 10
p21-23 Peter Parker buys a motorbike and presents it to the gang, same as ASM #41 page 19-20 pn 1-2
p24 MJ and May (occurs between ASM #41 and #42)
p1-3 Spider-Man reads newspaper about Goblin
p4 Kraven (last in ASM #34)
p5-7 Peter, Flash, Gwen, Pr Warren in class (=ASM 42 between page 8 and 9)
p8 Kraven, Rhino (last in ASM #42)
p9 JJJ, Betty Brant, Peter Parker, Joe Robertson (=ASM #43 page 2 and/or 14)
p10-13 fight vs Rhino = ASM #43 pages 7-12
p14-15 Spidey and Dr Connors = ASM #43 page 15
p16-19 Spidey beats Rhino = ASM #43 pages 18-19, Kraven looking at the scene
p20-22 May, Peter meets MJ = ASM #42 page 20
p1-6 Peter introduces MJ to Flash, Gwen, Harry. (=ASM #44, pages 10-11)
p7-10 TV announces a search for the Lizard at Penn Station. Pete and MJ
ride there (mirroring ASM #43 pages 3-4,6 when Pete and MJ react to the
TV announcing the rampage of the Rhino)
p11 Spidey meets Martha and Billy Connors (= ASM #44, page 6)
p12-15 Spidey fights Lizard, Kraven helps Lizard escape (=ASM #44 pages 14-18)
p16 Peter joins MJ outside the station (mirrors ASM #43, p 14)
p17-20 Spidey subdues Lizard, Dr Connors reunited with family (=ASM #45 page 4,7-19)
p21-22 Peter goes home at night, meets Harry asking him to be his roommate (mirroring ASM #46 page 6 but must happen page 19)
p1-6 Peter asks May if he can move in with Harry (=ASM #46 page 10 but must happen on page 19)
p7-8 Vulture and Blackie Drago in prison (=ASM #48 page 3)
p9-10 Peter brings May to Anna Watson (=ASM #46 p10 or 19-20), MJ goes out and leaves in car with Harry
p11-12 Drago escapes prison (with Kraven's help) and recovers Vulture's costume (= ASM #48 pages 5-6)
p13-14 Gwen, Flash, MJ and Harry have a housewarming party
p15-17 New Vulture fights Spidey (=ASM #48 pages 12-18)
p18 Gwen, Flash, MJ and Harry at the housewarming party
p19-22 Spidey defeated by new Vulture (=ASM #48 pages 19-20)
p1-4 Harry shows the apartment to Peter (mirroring ASM #46 page 20) who, sick, goes to bed (mirroring ASM #49 page 3)
p5 Kraven finds Spidey's tracks in the snow
p6 Kraven cures the Vulture (Toomes) so he can do what Drago couldn't
p7-11 MJ and Gwen tend to the sick Peter while Flash and Harry play billiards (between pages 9 and 10 of #49)
p12-15 Spidey joins the battle between the two Vultures (their battle
reflects the battle between the two Vultures in ASM #63 and the battle
between Kraven and Drago in ASM #49)
p16-18 He saves Flash
p19-20 Spidey beats the two Vultures
p21-22 Peter joins the others in the apartment. Flash announces he
joined the army (he was drafted in ASM #43 page 20). Kraven looks from
p1-4 Kraven reviews the fights Spider-Man had vs his enemies
p5-9 Peter and Harry receive guests Gwen, MJ, Flash and other students for a party.
p10-17 Kraven bursts in and kidnaps Harry, Spidey beats him under
Norman's eyes (=ASM #47 pages 11-19, the defeat of Kraven at the hands
of Spidey is from ASM #49 page 19)
p18-19 Peter and Gwen make out
p20-22 Peter completes his recording, MJ joins him (in the present)
So an index for the individual issues would look like this:
Spider-Man (from SM: Quality of Life #4 '02, also concurrent with ASM #40-41 '66)
J. Jonah Jameson (between ASM #40 and #41 '66)
Joe Robertson (from ASM Annual #37/2 '09)
Harry Osborn (from ASM #40 and concurrent with ASM #41 '66)
Norman Osborn (between ASM #40 '66 and #47 '67)
Flash Thompson (from ASM #39 '66 and concurrent with ASM #41 '66)
Gwen Stacy (from ASM #39 '66 and concurrent with ASM #41 '66)
May Parker (concurrent with ASM #41 '66)
Mary Jane Watson (from ASM #38 '66)
Villain: Green Goblin (concurrent with and continuing from ASM #40 '66; next in ASM #47 '67)
Note: this issue includes memories (reminder flashbacks) of
- ASM #40 (fight with the Green Goblin),
- ASM #41 (Peter tells May he wants to buy a motorbike; he buys it and presents it to the gang).
It shows the following new scenes (plain flashbacks):
- Peter sells photos to JJJ and meets Robbie (between ASM #40 and #41).
- Peter visits Harry and Norman at the hospital and meets Flash and Gwen there (between #ASM 40 and #41).
- MJ comes looking for Peter but May tells her he isn't there.
Spider-Man (from ASM #41; concurrent with ASM #42 and #43 '66)
Gwen Stacy (concurrent with ASM #42 '66)
Flash Thompson (concurrent with ASM #42 '66)
Pr Warren (between ASM #39 '66 and #48 '67)
Jonah Jameson (concurrent with ASM #43 '66)
Joe Robertson (next in ASM #51 '67)
Betty Brant (concurrent with ASM #43 '66)
Curt Connors (concurrent with ASM #43 '66)
May Parker (concurrent with ASM #42 '66)
Mary Jane Watson (concurrent with ASM #42 '66)
Villains: Kraven (from ASM #34 '66)
Rhino (concurrent with ASM #43 '66)
Note: this issue shows memories (rfb) of
- ASM #43 (fights Rhino then defeats him after getting help from Dr Connors)
- ASM #42 (Peter meets MJ for dinner).
These two previous events are chronologically inverted in his recollection.
New scenes (fb):
- Spidey reads newspaper in newsstand about Green Goblin's death and is
watched by Kraven (this must be in the evening of the first fight vs
- Peter with Gwen and Flash in Pr Warren's class.
Spider-Man (concurrent with ASM #43-46 '67)
Mary-Jane Watson (concurrent with ASM #43 '66 and #44 '67)
Flash Thompson (concurrent with ASM #44 '67)
Harry Osborn (concurrent with ASM #44-46 '67)
Gwen Stacy (concurrent with ASM #44 '67)
May Parker (concurrent with ASM #46 '67)
Lizard (concurrent with ASM #44-45 '67)
Martha Connors and Billy Connors (concurrent with ASM #44-45 '67)
ESU students
Note: This issue shows memories (rfb) of
- ASM #44 (introducing MJ to the gang; meeting Martha and Billy Connors
at Penn Station; fighting the Lizard in the underground),
- ASM #43 (Peter and MJ learn of a super-villain rampage, go there by
bike, Peter changes into Spider-Man, reunites with MJ after battle; this
actually happened with the Rhino but here Peter misremembers it as
happening with the Lizard),
- ASM #46 (Harry asks Peter to be his roommate; originally asked Peter
while driving him in his car; this is either a previous or a later talk
about it),
- ASM #45 (The Lizard smashes his lab, Spidey subdues the Lizard and Connors is reunited with his family).
New scenes (fb):
- Kraven helps the Lizard escape.
- Harry has a talk at night with Peter (that cannot be when he asks him
first to be his roommate, it's probably when Harry asked Peter to
confirm between panels 2 and 3 page 19 of ASM #46)
Spider-Man (concurrent with ASM #46 and #48 '67)
May Parker (concurrent with ASM #46 '67)
Anna Watson (concurrent with ASM #46 '67)
Harry Osborn (concurrent with ASM #46 and #48-49 '67)
Gwen Stacy (concurrent with ASM #46 and #48-49 '67)
Flash Thompson (concurrent with ASM #46 '67)
Mary Jane Watson (concurrent with ASM #46 and #48-49 '67)
Vulture (concurrent with ASM #48 '67)
Blackie Drago (concurrent with ASM #48 '67)
Note: This issue shows memories (rfb) of
- ASM #46 (Peter and May have a talk about moving out; originally this
happens at the train station when May comes back from Florida),
- ASM #48 (Blackie Drago gets the secret place of the Vulture's costume; beats Spidey).
New scene (fb): Harry, Flash, MJ and Gwen have a housewarming party at
Harry's apartment (new but similar to partying scenes in #46, #47 and
#49; Flash had already left for the army when Drago fought Spidey; the
fight with Drago occurred after Kraven had kidnapped Harry at Flash's
leaving party; between pages 19 and 20 of ASM #46)
Spider-Man (concurrent with ASM #46 and #49 '67)
Harry Osborn (concurrent with ASM #46 and #49 '67)
Mary Jane Watson (concurrent with ASM #46 and #49 '67)
Gwen Stacy (concurrent with ASM #46 and #49 '67)
Flash Thompson (concurrent with ASM #46 '67)
Kraven (concurrent with ASM #49 '67)
Vulture (from ASM #48 '67)
Blackie Drago (concurrent with ASM #49 '67 and #63 '68)
Note: This issue shows memories (rfb) of
- ASM #46 (Harry shows the apartment to Peter; originally this occurred before the fights with Kraven and Drago),
- ASM #49 (Peter sick, goes to bed; MJ, Harry and Gwen partying while
Peter is in bed; Spider-Man fights the new Vulture and another
super-villain; originally Flash had already left for the army; actually
Mary Jane Watson and Gwen came to see Harry to go out with him while
Peter was in bed),
- ASM #63 (the two vultures fight; this actually happened much later but Peter confuses it with the Kraven/Drago fight),
- ASM #44 (Flash is going to join the army; this originally happened
much earlier and cannot have been a result of Spidey fighting Drago).
New scenes (fb):
- Flash and Harry play billiards,
- Spidey saves Flash's life (both must have happened before ASM #47)
Spider-Man (next in ASM #43 '02; also in flashback concurrent with ASM #47 and #49 '67)
Harry Osborn (concurrent with ASM #47 '67)
Gwen Stacy (concurrent with ASM #47 '67 and following from it)
Mary Jane Watson (next in ASM #43 '02; also concurrent with ASM #47 and #49 '67)
ESU students
Norman Osborn (concurrent with ASM #47 '67)
Kraven (concurrent with ASM #47 and #49 '67)
Note: This issue shows memories (rfb) of
- ASM #47 (Kraven crashes Flash Thompson's leaving party and kidnaps Harry Osborn)
- ASM #49 (Spidey beats Kraven)
New scene (fb): Gwen and Peter make out (between ASM #47 and #48 '67)
Individual chronologies:
ASM 40
SM:Blue 1-FB (16-19)
ASM 41
SM:Blue 2-FB (1-3) (evening of the first fight vs Rhino, the newspaper still features death of Green Goblin)
ASM 42 (1-8) (arrives at school)
SM:Blue 2-FB (5-7) (Peter in class)
ASM 42 (9-20)
ASM 46 (1-19 pn 1-2)
SM:Blue 3-FB (21-22)
ASM 46 (19 pn 3)
SM:Blue 4-FB (1-6)
ASM 46 (19 pn4-5)
SM:Blue 4-FB (9-10)
ASM 46 (20)
ASM 47
SM:Blue 6 (18-19)
ASM 48
ASM 49 (1-9)
SM:Blue 5 (7-11)
ASM 49 (10-20)
SM: Blue 1 (1-5) (deposits a rose on Brooklyn Bridge)
SM: Blue 6 (completes his recording)
ASM 44/485
Mary-Jane Watson
ASM 38
SM:PL (37) (arrives in NY)
SM:Blue 1-FB (tries to meet Peter)
SM: PL (38) (leaves her NY apartment to go to the dinner with the Parkers)
ASM 46
SM:Blue 4-FB
ASM 47
ASM 49 (1-9)
SM:Blue 5 (7-11)
ASM 49 (10-20)
ASM 43/484
SM: Blue 6 (joins Peter)
ASM 44/485
J. Jonah Jameson
ASM 40
SM: Blue 1-FB (16-17) (buys photos from Goblin fight)
ASM 41
Joe Robertson
ASM@ 37/2
SM: Blue 1-FB (16-17) (buys photos from Goblin fight)
SM: Blue 2-FB (informs his staff Rhino has escaped)
ASM 51
Harry Osborn
ASM 40
SM: Blue 1-FB (18-19)
ASM 41
ASM 46 (10-11)
SM:Blue 3-FB (21-22)
SM:Blue 4-FB
ASM 46 (20)
ASM 49 (1-9)
SM:Blue 5 (7-11)
ASM 49 (10-20)
Gwen Stacy
ASM 39
SM: Blue 1-FB (18-19)
ASM 41
ASM 42 (Peter arrives at school)
SM: Blue 2-FB (5-7) (Peter in class)
ASM 43
ASM 46
SM:Blue 4 (13-18)
ASM 47
SM:Blue 6 (18-19)
ASM 48
ASM 49 (1-9)
SM:Blue 5 (7-11)
ASM 49 (10-20)
Flash Thompson
ASM 39
SM: Blue 1-FB (18-19)
ASM 41
ASM 42
SM:Blue 2-FB (5-7)
ASM 46
SM:Blue 4 (13-21)
ASM 47
Norman Osborn
ASM 40
SM: Blue 1-FB
ASM 47
May Parker
ASM 41
SM:Blue 1-FB (24)
ASM 42
SM:Blue 4-FB (1-6)
ASM 46 (19)
ASM 34
SM:Blue 2-FB
SM:Blue 3-FB
SM:Blue 4-FB
SM:Blue 5-FB
SM:Blue 6-FB (1-6)
ASM 47
Pr Warren
ASM 39
SM:Blue 2-FB
ASM 48
ASM 48
SM:Blue 5-FB (cured from poison by Kraven)
ASM 63
List of differences between the two narratives
In Blue:
May doesn't leave for vacation
Spidey doesn't have a broken arm
He meets MJ after his second and third fights with the Rhino
Peter rides with MJ to see the Lizard (#3)
Spidey has one fight with the Lizard (#3)
May overhears when Harry proposes his flat to Peter (#3)
Peter tells May in the morning about Harry's proposal (#4)
Kraven is behind the scenes for Rhino's, Lizard's and Vultures' (Drago, Toomes) attacks (#2-6)
Peter occupies the apartment after fighting Drago (#5)
Spidey has one fight with Kraven (#6)
Drago fights with Toomes (#5)
The two vultures fight (#5)
The first fight with Drago occurs before Kraven's attack at Flash's party (#4)
Flash announces he leaves for the army after Spidey's second fight with Drago (#5)
May leaves for a vacation (#44-46)
Spidey has a broken arm (#44-46)
Peter meets MJ before his second fight with Rhino (#42)
Peter rides with MJ to see the Rhino (#43)
Spidey has two fights with the Lizard (#44-45)
Harry proposes his flat while May is in vacation (#46)
Peter tells May about Harry's proposal when she arrives from vacation (#46)
Peter occupies the apartment before fighting Drago (#46)
Spidey has two fights with Kraven (#47,49)
Drago fights with Kraven (#49)
The two vultures don't fight before ASM #63
The first fight with Drago occurs after Kraven's attack at Flash's party (#48)
Flash announces he leaves for the army after Spidey's third fight with Rhino (#43)
Remaining problems in the chronology of the new sequences:
There are no spots to explain Flash's presence while Peter is sick in bed (ASM #49, Blue #4-5)
Gwen makes out with Peter after Flash's leaving party (ASM #47) but
before she tends for him in ASM #48. Two possible solutions: either this
occurs after Kraven's defeat in ASM #49, or Harry, Flash, Gwen and MJ
crashed Peter's house to party while he had a broken arm and when May
was in vacation (#45)
My approach was the following:
1) identify where the scenes from Blue come from, which are reminder flashbacks (rfb)
2) identify the new scenes, new flashbacks (fb)
3) only add the new scenes to the chronology
1) The battle vs the Goblin occurs differently in each series, I just
figure it's the same battle (rfb) even if the recollection (Blue)
doesn't match the recalled event (ASM);
2) In ASM there are twin battles with Lizard and with Kraven. In Blue
these are combined into one, with the end of the second battle attached
to the first. I don't consider them new flashbacks, but a shortened,
conflated version (rfb);
3) In Blue, MJ and Peter learn about the Lizard's rampage and go there
by bike. Peter goes beyond the police line, changes into Spidey and
fights Lizard. Then goes back to MJ. But
in ASM, it's Rhino who is rampaging (ASM 43). Rather than figure that
Pete went twice with MJ to see a villain, I consider the parts where he
goes and leaves with MJ the same and so don't include them as they
aren't new information. They are all reminder flashbacks but
misremembered in their sequence.
When reading ASM #40-49, one finds repeat battles with the villains and
other repeated motifs because it was a monthly series. In Blue, Loeb
reorganised the material to avoid repetition and so that it would make a
narrative with a beginning and end. He starts with the Goblin fight and
finishes with Kraven's defeat (in #49 but using the earlier Kraven
fight's circumstances from #47). So Peter getting an apartment becomes a
major theme (rather than the one issue affair in ASM #46) as it is a
symbol of reaching adulthood along with falling in love with Gwen.
Kraven is given as the thread for the villains' attacks (he sets up the
villains vs Spidey then attacks himself), including the Vulture (Drago)
even though in ASM Kraven fought Spidey (#47) before Drago (#48). This
remains entirely possible if we consider the scenes of Drago in prison
with Toomes in #48 as flashbacks occurring before ASM #47. One could
ask, "Why does Kraven set up the escapes of Drago and Toomes (before
#47) to fight Spidey if he then doesnt wait for them to attack Spidey
himself?" but ASM Annual '96 provides an answer, this shows Kraven again
attacking Harry; i.e. there was an attack vs Harry before Drago
attacked Spidey and another one after, and Peter conflated these events
just as he conflated many other similar ones in the Blue flashbacks.
This later Kraven attack conveniently occurs after Drago's (#48) and the
two vultures' (#63), as well as after the reappearance of the Goblin
(ca ASM #66) who was thought dead after #40 (Kraven reads the Bugle
reporting his death in Blue).
vendredi 29 mai 2020
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